
Facebook Email is Here!

By Crosshairs Marketing | Facebook

Feb 15

New Facebook Email Messages

Facebook Email is Here!

Facebook has begun rolling out it’s new Messages platform. The coolest part about he new Facebook Messages is they will allow you to get your own personalized Facebook Email address. The email address is not required but can be added on if you like.

They are rolling the service out, as I type this, to a select few users. The new system will allow you to receive messages, texts and chats all in the same place. It will also group all conversation with a person together making it more organized.  It also includes the features that traditional email.

If you would like to get to the front of the list, here is the page to sign up for the New Facebook Messages.  Eventually everyone will be converted over, but who wants to be the last to get it.  Not me!

Once you have the new Messages, you will also be give Invitations to your friends to upgrade.

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About the Author

Growing up Shanon enjoyed gutting electronics and mechanical devices to see how they worked from the inside out. Put them back together was much more challenging. Early honing of these dissection and reconstruction skills has proven a valuable asset for producing online marketing campaigns that put clients ahead of their competition.