
Are Business’ Photo Posts on Facebook™ Dead?

By Crosshairs Marketing | Facebook

Feb 17

Organic Reach in Facebook™ is a Moving Target

Not too long ago the best way to get your post seen by the largest number of your Facebook™ fan page members and customers was to use photo posts.  If you are not familiar with the difference in regular status updates and photo posts, the only real difference is you upload a photo, then add text to it.  A photo posted to your fan page can also be done without text, just a picture or graphic only.

As always though, things on Facebook™ are constantly changing.  Even Facebook™ Ads are an every changing animal.


How much are views to photos decreasing?

According to a study done by Socialbakers, photo posts are getting hit pretty hard.  The study shows photo posts now have the lowest organic reach of any style of post  coming in at 3.73% organic reach.  Facebook™ native videos however have jumped to 8.71% since being introduced in the 3rd Quarter of 2014.  This means less than 4% of your fans will see your photos according to average in the study’s data.

Why did Facebook™ change the amount of views photo posts are getting?

After looking at the numbers, we can see, the simple answer is users love video.

Facebook™ wants to show users posts that they enjoy seeing and engaging with.  If they don’t do this, users will leave the platform.  Engagement includes clicking, liking, commenting and sharing.

They constantly measure this data to determine what users’ Newsfeed should be made up of on an individual user and a platform level.  This is why things are always changing.  The more they learn about the users, the more they can improve the system.

How  you can get more views from your fans and customers?

There are a number of ways to increase your post views for  your fans and customers.  Here are the best ways to increase your organic reach:

  • Create a Video and Upload it Directly to Facebook™ instead of linking to YouTube or other 3rd Part Sites
  • Create more engaging photos or text to go with your photo post
  • When doing link posts, make sure the image and description text is intriguing and caused interaction and clicks
  • Boost your posts with ads or better yet, do a Page Post Engagement ad in your Facebook™ Ads Manager
    • As the paid reach increase and people start engaging, their friends will see your post and increase organic reach
  • Share stories and videos from around the web to bring up your page’s basis engagement metrics

At the end of the day, it really comes down to giving your fans content to see that they care about and engage with.  The more users interact with your page posts as a whole, the more all of your posts will be seen by your fan base and their friends.

 How can we help you with your Facebook™ branding and advertising?

First and foremost, we are here to help you.

  • We would be happy to take a look at your current page reach and advertising to see where it can be improved.  While this doesn’t stop with Facebook™, we both know most of your customers are there and it is a good place to start.
  • Allow us to produce a Facebook™ ready video for you that builds trust with your potential customers
  • If you aren’t currently advertising on Facebook™ we are happy to show you the opportunity you are missing


You can read Socialbakers’ complete study here.







About the Author

Growing up Shanon enjoyed gutting electronics and mechanical devices to see how they worked from the inside out. Put them back together was much more challenging. Early honing of these dissection and reconstruction skills has proven a valuable asset for producing online marketing campaigns that put clients ahead of their competition.